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Friday 11 April 2014

Agreement signed with China for coal power plants

Agreement signed with China for coal power plants

ISLAMABAD: A Chinese group will set up at Gadani two coal power plants, each of 1,320MW capacity, and invest around $2 billion in the project.
A memorandum of understanding was signed to this effect on Wednesday between the China Machinery Engineering Corporation (CMEC) and the Private Power and Infrastructure Board (PPIB). CMEC General Manager Li Kan and N.A. Zuberi of PPIB signed the agreement on behalf of the two sides. Federal Minister for Water and Power Khawaja Mohammad Asif and Minister of State Abid Sher Ali and other officials were present on the occasion.
Khwaja Asif said several MoUs had been signed with foreign investors for setting up 10 projects, with a cumulative capacity of 6,600MW, at Gadani town in Balochistan.
Completion of these projects would be a big achievement of the government as these would play an important role in addressing the problem of loadshedding, he said.
Over the past one year foreign investment has increased, reflecting investors’ confidence in policies pursued by the government, he said.
Welcoming the Chinese group to the country’s power sector, the minister lauded Chinese contribution to Pakistan’s efforts for strengthening economy.
He said that 2,250MW would be added to the system within two months and pointed out that there had been no unscheduled loadshedding in the country for the past several months.
However, he conceded, six to eight hours of loadshedding was being carried out in different cities and rural areas.
He stressed the need for energy conservation and asked consumers to pay their bills timely and help the government counter the power theft.
He said relief would be provided to areas where bills were paid in time. All those feeders having line losses because of power theft would face increased loadshedding and transformers in such areas would be removed, he added.

ایف آئی اے کے 2 افسر گرفتار

انسانی اسمگلنگ میں معاونت کا الزام، ایف آئی اے کے 2 افسر گرفتار

ترکی نے 5 پاکستانی طلبہ کوجعلی سفری دستاویزات ہونے کی بنیاد پر بے دخل کرکے واپس بھیج دیا تھا۔ فوٹو: فائل
کراچی: انسانی اسمگلنگ کی معاونت کے الزام میں ایف آئی اے امیگریشن کے2 افسران کو گرفتار کرکے ان کے خلاف قانونی کارروائی شروع کردی گئی ہے۔
تفصیلات کے مطابق قطرایئرلائنز کے ذریعے 11 مارچ کو 5 پاکستانی طلبا براستہ دوحہ، استنبول، سائپریس کیلیے روانہ ہوئے تھے جنھیں 17 مارچ کو ترکی کے امیگریشن حکام نے جعلی سفری دستاویزات ہونے کی بنیاد پر بے دخل کرکے پاکستان واپس بھیج دیا تھا، پانچوں طلبا کے خلاف انسداد انسانی اسمگلنگ سرکل کراچی میں امیگریشن قوانین کی خلاف ورزی کے الزام میں ایف آئی آر بھی درج کی گئی تھی جبکہ ایف آئی اے امیگریشن کے 2 افسران فہیم شیخ اورمحمد علی ساون کے خلاف محکمہ جاتی انکوائری شروع کی گئی تھی۔
ذرائع کے مطابق انکوائری میں یہ حقائق سامنے آئے تھے کہ پاکستانی شہریوں کیلیے سائپرس کا ویزا ’’آن ارائیول‘‘ ہونے کا فائدہ اٹھاتے ہوئے انسانی اسمگلنگ میں ملوث گروہ ایف آئی اے امیگریشن کی ملی بھگت سے سائپریس کے تعلیمی اداروں کی جعلی اسناد پرنوجوانوں کوبیرون ملک بھجواتے ہیں جہاں سے وہ باآسانی یورپ کے دیگر ملکوں کا رخ کرلیتے ہیں، ذرائع نے بتایا کہ مذکورہ واقعے میں ایف آئی اے امیگریشن کے دونوں افسران کی بدنیتی کا واضح ثبوت یہ ہے کہ پانچوں افراد کو قطر ایئرویز کے ذریعے سائپریس کیلیے روانہ کیا گیا۔
جبکہ امیگریشن کے مروجہ اصولوں کے مطابق سائپریس جانے والے حقیقی طلبا ترکش ایئرلائنز کے ذریعے ہی اپنی منزل کی جانب روانہ ہوتے ہیں اور دیگر ایئرلائنز کا انتخاب کرنے والے بیشتر افراد سائپریس کے تعلیمی اداروں میں داخلے کی جعلی دستاویزات پیش کرتے ہیں جو کہ انسانی اسمگلروں کی جانب سے انھیں فراہم کی جاتی ہیں اور اس کے عوض فی شخص 8 سے 10 لاکھ روپے وصول کیے جاتے ہیں اور مبینہ طور پر اس رقم کا ایک حصہ امیگریشن افسران کو ادا کیا جاتا ہے، محکمہ جاتی تحقیقاتی رپورٹ میں ایف آئی اے امیگریشن کے دونوں افسران کو بے گناہ قرار دیدیا گیا تھا تاہم ڈائریکٹر ایف آئی اے نجف قلی مرزا نے سامنے آنے والے حقائق کی روشنی انسداد انسانی اسمگلنگ سرکل کو دونوں افسران کو انسانی اسمگلنگ میں معاونت کے الزام میں گرفتار کرکے انھیں مقدمے میں نامزد کرنے کی ہدایات جاری کی تھیں جمعرات کو فہیم شیخ اور محمد علی ساون کو باقاعدہ گرفتار کرکے ان کے خلاف قانونی کارروائی شروع کردی گئی ہے۔

Facebook to require separate mobile app for messages

SAN FRANCISCO: Facebook will no longer let users send and receive private messages within its main smartphone app, and will require that users install a separate messaging app, the Internet company said on Wednesday.
Facebook began notifying users in France, England and several other European countries on Wednesday that beginning in a couple of weeks they will need to install the company's standalone Messenger app in order to send and receive messages.
Facebook plans to eventually require that users in all countries install the Messenger app, spokesman Derick Mains said, though he could not provide a specific timeframe for the change.
The move is intended to ensure that users have a consistent and high-quality experience, a Facebook spokesman told Reuters. The free, standalone Messenger app is faster than the messaging service that's currently built into Facebook's primary mobile app. Facebook users can also access more features in the Messenger app, such as the ability to make voice phone calls.
"We have built a fast and reliable messaging experience through Messenger and now it makes sense for us to focus all our energy and resources on that experience," the company said in a statement.
Facebook faces increasing competition from a new crop of fast-growing mobile messaging apps, such as Snapchat and Line. It stunned observers by announcing plans in February to buy the popular WhatsApp messaging app for $19 billion.
Forcing users to install a separate messaging app on their phones could help boost the popularity of Facebook Messenger, but could also cause a backlash if consumers view Facebook's move as heavy-handed. A post on the technology blog Mashable on Wednesday was titled "11 Reasons why Pulling Messenger From Facebook Mobile is a Terrible Idea," and many people took to Twitter to post critical comments about the change.
Facebook, the world's No.1 social networking service with 1.2 billion users, has increasingly moved to develop a catalog of standalone apps to complement its main app. In January, Facebook launched Paper, a photo-heavy news-reading app that has earned positive reviews.
Facebook also acquired photo-sharing app Instagram in 2012 and announced plans to buy WhatsApp, which has more than 450 million users. News of the change in Facebook's messaging service was first reported by the technology blog TechCrunch on Wednesday.

دہشتگردی میں را، موساد اور سی آ ئی اے ملوث ہیں، اسلم بیگ

دہشتگردی میں را، موساد اور سی آ ئی اے ملوث ہیں، اسلم بیگ

قابض فوجیں افغانستان سے نکلیں گی تو پاکستان میں دہشتگردی کا فتنہ ختم ہوگا،سابق آرمی چیف۔ فوٹو: فائل
لاہور: سابق آرمی چیف جنرل (ر) مرزا اسلم بیگ نے کہا ہے کہ پاکستان میں دہشت گردی میں ’’را‘‘ ’’ موساد‘‘ اور امریکی سی آئی اے ملوث ہیں، پاکستان میں دہشت گردی کا فتنہ تب ہی ختم ہوگا جب قابض فوجیں افغانستان سے نکلیں گی اور افغانستان میں نئی حکومت بنے گی۔
اپنے ایک انٹرویو میں مرزا اسلم بیگ نے کہاکہ جب سے مذاکرات کاعمل شروع ہوا ہے بد قسمتی سے دہشتگردی کی وارداتوں میں اضافہ ہوتاجارہا ہے کیونکہ دہشتگرد مذاکراتی عمل کوناکام بنانے کی سازشیں کررہے ہیں اوراس میں غیر ملکی طاقتیں بھی ملوث ہیں، دہشت گردی ڈرون حملوں کا بدل ہے، ڈرون حملے کرانیوالے اب زمینی حملے کرارہے ہیں۔
انھوں نے کہاکہ دہشت گردی میں را ، موساد اور امریکی سی آ ئی اے ملوث ہیں تاکہ مذاکراتی عمل کو ناکام بنایا جا سکے اب یہ حکومت اور طالبان کی ذمے داری ہے کہ وہ مذاکراتی عمل کو کامیاب کریں۔ انھوں نے کہا کہ امریکا یہی چاہتا ہے کہ پاکستان اپنے لوگوں سے لڑتا رہے تاکہ اندرونی طور پر یہ کمزورہوجائے اور اس کے ٹکڑے کیے جاسکیں۔ امریکا کے جانے کے بعد افغانستان میں طالبان کی ہی حکومت بنے گی کیونکہ وہ وہاں سب سے زیادہ طاقتور ہیں۔

Pakistan-Iran ties in good shape, says FO

Pakistan-Iran ties in good shape, says FO

ISLAMABAD: The Foreign Office said on Thursday that Pak-Iran relations were in good shape despite the now resolved issue of kidnapping of Iranian border guards.
“Pakistan-Iran relations, as I said in the last briefing, are not just about one issue. We have a multifaceted relationship and cooperation… so this relationship needs to be looked at in the broader context,” FO spokesperson Tasneem Aslam said at the weekly media briefing.
The kidnapping of five Iranian guards in February, one of whom was later killed by abductors, near the Pak-Iran border, had added to already existing misunderstanding between the two countries that was originally caused by differences over regional issues.
Iranian officials had warned of action against alleged terrorist sanctuaries in the Pakistani territory, but Pakistan kept denying that the guards were being held in its area.
Four guards were released last week reportedly inside Iran.
“Our authorities and security agencies confirmed that they have no indication that these guards were brought to Pakistan and also that there is absolutely no indication that they were released in Pakistan,” Ms Aslam said.
The spokesperson said that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s planned visit to Iran was still on and dates were being worked out through diplomatic channels.
Ms Aslam said that the visit was expected to take place by June this year.
“There have been contacts in Islamabad as well as in Tehran regarding the proposed visit of the prime minister and discussions on some meetings that will precede that visit,” she said.
The two sides are planning to have a joint ministerial commission meeting ahead of the planned visit to make it substantive.
The spokesperson referred to a friendly port call by Pakistan Navy fleet to the Iranian Port as an indication of the good health of bilateral relations.
RUSSIA: Ms Aslam said that Pak-Russia relationship too was on a “very positive trajectory”.
“We have deepened our engagement. We have a number of projects in the economic domain. There have been political level contacts as well. Our Foreign Secretary visited Russia last year which produced very good interactions. A senior Russian minister has also visited Pakistan in last six months,” Ms Aslam said.
She said a committee had been formed to look into a trade dispute with Russia.
She expected “a great leap” in relationship with Russia once that trade row was fixed.
APP adds: Pakistan on Thursday reiterated that durable peace in the region was linked to resolution of all issues and disputes between Pakistan and India including the core issue of Jammu and Kashmir.
Foreign Office spokesperson Tasnim Aslam said that the two countries had a framework to discuss the issues and dispute comprising eight-point agenda but the process stood disrupted for the last three years.
She said that Pakistan looked forward to resumption of the dialogue process with India for the sake of regional peace and in order to allow the two countries to focus on economic development.
Replying to a question, the spokesperson said Pakistan was a recognised and legitimate party to Jammu and Kashmir dispute.
Commenting on relations Pakistan will have with India if Narendra Modi wins elections, the spokesperson said: “We deal with countries and it is for the people of India to elect whoever they deem fit.”
Referring to comments of an Afghan official about talks with Taliban, the spokesperson said talks with TTP were an internal matter of Pakistan and nobody had the right to interfere in the internal affairs. She pointed out that the Afghan government itself was keen to talk with Taliban.
Welcoming the successful conduct of elections in Afghanistan, the spokesperson said continuation of democracy was vital for peace and stability in the region.
She said Pakistan extended consistent support for security and successful conduct of Afghanistan elections and took a number of measures to reinforce existing security arrangements.
Highlighting the measures taken by Pakistan with reference to Afghan elections, she said these included enhanced vigilance and security along the entire length of Pak-Afghan border; sealing of all crossing points, deployment of additional troops, aerial surveillance, and enhanced communication through border coordination centres.
She said that on the request of Afghan government, border crossing points at Torkham and Chaman had been kept open to enable eligible Afghan voters in Pakistan to go to Afghanistan to use their right to vote.
The spokesperson said Pakistan would work with the next Afghan government and try to give further impetus to bilateral relations in all fields.
The spokesperson said that a meeting of Pakistan-US working group on law enforcement and counter-terrorism would take place soon.

افتخار چوہدری نے ہر غیر اہم ایشو پر نوٹس لیا، دھاندلی سے نظریں چرالیں ، عمران خان

افتخار چوہدری نے ہر غیر اہم ایشو پر نوٹس لیا، دھاندلی سے نظریں چرالیں ، عمران خان

کرپشن روکنے کے لیے پہلے اثاثے ڈکلیئرکرناہوں گے، خطاب، پشاورمیں شوکت خانم اسپتال کے 3 فلورز کی تکمیل پرعوام کا شکریہ فوٹو:فائل
لاہور: تحریک انصاف کے چیئرمین عمران خان نے کہا ہے کہ سابق چیف جسٹس افتخار محمد چوہدری نے قوم کو مایوسی کے سواکچھ نہیں دیا۔
انھوں نے ہرغیراہم ایشو پرسوموٹو لیا لیکن انتخابات میں دھاندلی سے نظریں چرا لیں،کرپشن کے خاتمے کے لیے نیب، انویسٹی گیشن کے اداروں کوآزاد ہونا چاہیے، نوازشریف بتائیں کہ جس پولنگ اسٹیشن پر 1500 رجسٹرڈ ووٹ تھے وہاں سے ان کے حق میں 8 ہزار ووٹ کیسے پڑ گئے، ملک میں قوانین موجود ہیں مگر ان پر عملدرآمد نہیں ہوتا۔ ان خیالات کا اظہار انھوں نے جمعرات کو مقامی ہوٹل میں بریگیڈیئر (ر) اسلم گھمن کی کتاب ’’ہاں یہ سچ ہے ‘‘کی تقریب رونمائی سے خطاب کر تے ہوئے کیا۔ انھوں نے کہا کہ 11 مئی کے الیکشن میں سرگودھا کے ایک پولنگ اسٹیشن پر کل رجسٹرڈ ووٹرزکی تعداد 1500 تھی مگر وہاں میاں نواز شریف کو کیسے 8 ہزار ووٹ پڑ گئے ،میاں صاحب کو چاہیے تھا کہ پولنگ ایجنٹ، پریذائڈنگ افسر اور ریٹرننگ افسر کو پوچھتے اور جو بھی ذمے دار ہوتا اسے سزا دیتے اور جیل میں ڈال دیتے۔ عمران خان نے کہا کہ مجھے چیف جسٹس افتخار چوہدری سے بہت مایوسی ہوئی۔
چیف جسٹس نے دھاندلی کے خلاف احتجاج پر مجھے توہین عدالت میں طلب کر لیا ۔عدالت میں پیشی کے دوران میں نے کہا کہ ہم نے 65 حلقوں میں دھاندلی کے خلاف اپیل کی ہوئی ہے مگر آپ صرف 4 حلقوں کا آڈٹ کروا دیں تا کہ قوم کو سچ معلوم ہو جائے مگر چیف جسٹس نے جواب دیا کہ میرے سامنے 20 ہزار کیس پڑے ہیںجس پر میں نے چیف جسٹس سے کہا تھا کہ آپ تو چھوٹی چھوٹی باتوں پر بھی از خود نوٹس لے لیتے ہیں یہاں تو مینڈیٹ چوری ہوا ہے ، اس وقت چیف جسٹس کا چہرہ دیکھ کر مجھے بھارت کے ایک امپائر کی یاد آ گئی جس نے ایک میچ کے دوران اپنی ٹیم کے ایک کھلاڑی کے واضح ایل بی ڈبلیو کو دیکھتے ہوئے بھی میری اپیل پر نظریں جھکالی تھیں۔ عمران خان نے کہا کہ کرپٹ آدمی لیڈر بن جائے تووہ قومی ادارے بھی کرپٹ کر دیتا ہے ، ہمارا تو المیہ یہ ہے کہ پاکستان کو آج تک اچھے آمر بھی نہیں ملے جو یہ کہہ سکتے اور کرسکتے کہ میں 5 سال میں یہ کام کر دوں گا۔سیاستدانوں اور حکمرانوں کو اپنے اثاثے ڈیکلیئر کرنا چاہیے۔ دریں اثنا شوکت خانم میموریل ٹرسٹ کے بورڈ آف گورنرز کے چیئرمین عمران خان نے پشاور میں شوکت خانم میموریل کینسر اسپتال کے 3 فلورز کی تعمیر مکمل ہونے پر عوام کا شکریہ ادا کیا ہے۔

Several killed in latest Waziristan militant infighting

Several killed in latest Waziristan militant infighting

PESHAWAR: Several are being reported killed in infighting between two distraught Tehreek-i-Taliban factions between whom fighting intensified on Friday in Waziristan.
The clash started between the two militant factions a few days ago and the cause of infighting was said to be over interference in matters inside one another’s domains.
At least 10 people were killed today during a clash in North Waziristan's Shawal tehsil and several were injured.
The casualties in Shawal took place when the two factions exchanged fire, local sources and officials confirmed.

Cause for strife

Fighters from both sides have been launching attacks in the areas of Shawal, Shaktoi, Makin and Tank with heavy ammunition and artillery in an attempt to destroy one another’s sanctuaries.
Moreover, the internal strife between the two groups is now spilling onto the other areas of the region.
The TTP has remained silent on the matter of infighting in which over 30 deaths have been reported over a couple of days.
The clashes first erupted on Sunday in Shawal between supporters of Khan Said Sajna and followers of the late Hakimullah Mehsud group.
Both factions are part of the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) umbrella group, which has been waging a bloody seven-year insurgency against the state.
Militant sources had earlier suggested that differences emerged after Sajna, a senior commander, was rejected for the TTP leadership, after then-leader Mehsud was killed in a US drone strike last November.
The TTP has long been driven by infighting.
Sajna had been seen as a strong candidate to become TTP chief following Mehsud's death. But the movement's ruling council at the last minute elected Mullah Fazlullah, who hails from Swat and is believed to be hiding in Afghanistan.

Three killed in Dattakhel explosion

At least three people were killed in a remote-controlled blast Dattakhel tehsil of the North Waziristan tribal region.
According to an initial report, the three were killed when unknown attackers targeted the vehicle they were travelling in using a remote-control bomb.
The men killed in the Dattakhel attack could not yet be identified.

district court attack kills at least two in Rawalpindi

Rawalpindi district court attack kills at least two

RAWALPINDI: At least two people were killed and several injured on Friday in an incident of indiscriminate firing on a local district court in the garrison city, DawnNews reported.
According to police personnel, the firing in the district court occurred between two groups which killed a prisoner and a passerby.
Moreover, an exchange of fire between police and armed attackers also took place after which policemen arrested four assailants.
After the incident, people panicked and rushed outside the court.
Police and security forces cordoned off the area.
Sources said that Advocate Sardar Amir was the target of unknown attackers, adding that the incident seemed to be the result of a personal rivalry.
The dead bodies and wounded people in the attack were shifted to a hospital.
This is not the first time security lapse has been witnessed in local courts, on April 4, a district court was attacked in Islamabad which had killed 11 people including an additional sessions judge.

3G primer for brands

A 3G primer for brands

3G will be a definitive game changer and brand managers need to start preparing now, writes Khurram Mahboob.
3GThe 3G (and 4G) launch is perhaps one of the most talked-about events in some circles these days. The launch has been the subject of much discussion over the last few years, mainly because of the delay but the good news is, as conveyed in my lastAurora article on what to expect in 2014 (Samsung rules but will Nokia boom?), that the 3G experience will be commercially available to Pakistanis no later than early next quarter.
Who should be excited? Apart from the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) and the government (for obvious reasons), it should be the early adopters, the telecom companies and marketers. However, in my opinion marketers are still unaware of the importance of 3G and what it will bring to their otherwise conventional marketing mix. It is therefore a matter of some urgency that marketers at least start thinking about how to include 3G marketing in their future planning.
3G will be a game changer for consumers who will get an altogether new experience because of the high data speeds. The epicentre of the consumer’s world will be a single screen – i.e. the smartphone. While on the go, users will have access to mobile internet speeds of between 140+ kbps and two Mbps, enabling them to download a song in less than 10 seconds, enjoy peer to peer video calls, make complex financial transactions, enjoy a more holistic Facebook experience, seamlessly shop online and experience apps with mind boggling benefits that we can only imagine in this pre-3G era. Essentially, 3G will totally reshape the way in which we fulfil our information, entertainment, shopping and even security needs.
Enter 3G mobile marketing
The emergence of 3G mobile marketing will be the key touchpoint to capture target audiences when, where and how they want. However, as we all know the number of eyeballs is not the only consideration and 3G, as a new and potent communication channel, has the potential to deliver the following benefits:
  • Rich, interactive, viral and valuable advertising content while establishing one-on-one communication.
  • The ability to leverage video as an advertising medium that can be used for recorded and live video campaigns.
  • Location-based offerings which don’t require downloading and/or special software.
  • Minimal investment and rapid ROI. On-device metering is a pioneering technology that will, for the first time, give advertisers, content developers and telecom players an insight into how the mobile consumer is evolving thereby enabling them to make informed marketing decisions.
The pillars of 3G mobile marketing
Three areas with great potential for mobile marketing opportunities will be the internet, video and entertainment.
The internet, backed by high speed interactivity on HTML and flash-based applications will increase the usage of navigation apps and social networking sites. In this context, viral ads and SEO will become critical; brands may also want to look into sponsored URL marketing, whereby they can pay telecom companies so that all consumers (or a specific set of targeted consumers) can browse the brand’s website without paying data charges.
Video will take over passive text messaging both offline (video messaging) and online (video conferencing). A great idea for brands would be to sponsor a video conferencing service whereby a specific target market of consumers would watch short advertisements of the sponsoring brand on their phone before the video call, in exchange for a 50% discount.
Lastly, entertainment, backed by TV streaming, interactive infomercials and games on a smartphone, will present prime advertising opportunities.
Market sizing for 3G
Television continues to dominate Pakistan’s media landscape with 120 million viewers, a cable penetration of about 55% and a 63% of total annual ad spend; the big dilemma for marketers is the absence of a ‘challenger’ medium, as other conventional media fail to attract mass viewers. Although there are 125 million mobile connections, they have so far never been considered a serious promotional medium by advertisers due to the extremely limited promotional marketing interface (mainly SMS) and lack of consumer profiling. With 3G in the equation, this will change. Although all 125 million connections will not have a 3G-enabled smartphone, it is estimated that within the next 24 to 30 months, there will be more than 20 million 3G users in Pakistan – a critical mass of users who are also potential audiences for brands. This critical mass will be steered by five trends which are converging in Pakistan – 3G, social networking, video, VoIP and the availability of a wide selection of smartphones. Marketers will also need to keep the following trends in mind:
  • Young people (over 50% of the population) will be early adopters of this technology.
  • In emerging markets (similar to Pakistan) the growing population of smartphone users spends more time on entertainment and internet-based content than on voice calling and text messages. In a recent study on emerging markets Nielsen Informate Mobile Insights revealed that average smartphone users spend four hours a day using their phones with 72% of their time spent on activities such as gaming, entertainment, apps and internet related content. Only 28% of their time is used for voice calls and text messaging.
  • 3G users use almost 50% more data than 2G users.
  • An Android user installs an average of 19 apps in a month.
Will 3G mobile marketing replace the other marketing channels?
No, but it can be much more effective; in fact this signals a paradigm change from promotional to interactive marketing. However effectiveness is contingent on three factors:
1. Content: Mobile phone content should have a clear role within a wider campaign and it should be produced specifically for mobile phones, not repurposed from other channels. The challenge for marketers has been a disparate workflow across devices. However, there are app-based ads available simplifying premium digital advertising and offering marketers the ability to serve the same content experience across multiple devices.
2. Interaction: Extensive prototyping and user studies are required to ensure mobile interaction is quick and easy, with minimal burden on the user.
3. Directness: Mobile messages should be considered direct communication, personalised with a strong call-to-action. All this implies a change in framework as to how you look at your current brands as 3G mobile marketing will give legs to other channels such as retail, online, television, radio, print and billboards. The following points are important in this context:
  • Content led interaction: Brands will no longer be the primary custodian of their communication. Content will be democratised and that brand interaction will shift from a mostly brand led model to a more dynamic interchange between people and brands. The social media explosion, coupled with mobility and the increasing powers of search, will allow consumer generated brand experiences to gain bigger audiences than they could ever before. This essentially means establishing a highly connected ‘voice of customer’ department which will be the eyes and ears of your market, providing real time feedback about consumers’ interaction with a brand.
  • The new 24/7 world of brands: The 3G consumer experience will require that brands be online 24/7 in order to respond and react to opportunities. Brands will need to be live far longer than campaigns (these are typically bifurcated by shelf date, now they will be bifurcated based on ‘engagement episodes’ and ‘experiences’).
  • Rise of experiences in the hierarchy of communications: With more and more ways to come into contact with brands, not every touchpoint will be as powerful as the other. Results will be derived from deeper experiences – involvement, participation, sharing – and these are all higher order learning opportunities rather than static interactions, and a critical element of creating impact in today’s communications world based on the experience economy. In such a dynamic ecosystem, service instead of advertising will be the key to not irritating the customer.

الیکشن کمیشن نے دھاندلی کا اعتراف کرلیا

 الیکشن کمیشن نے دھاندلی کا اعتراف کرلیا

کوئی امیدوار 50 فیصدووٹ حاصل نہ کرسکا،دوسرے مرحلہ ضرورہوگا،زلمے رسول۔ فوٹو؛فائل
کابل: افغان صدارتی انتخابات کے ایک اہم امیدوارزلمے رسول نے کہاہے کہ دستیاب معلومات سے ظاہر ہوتاہے کہ الیکشن کے دوسرے مرحلے کی ضرورت پڑے گی۔
کیونکہ کوئی بھی صدارتی امیدوار مطلوبہ50 فیصد ووٹ حاصل کرنے میں ناکام رہے گا،دوسری طرف ان انتخابات کے دیگر2 فیورٹ امیدواروں عبداللہ عبداللہ اور اشرف غنی احمدزئی دونوں نے دعویٰ کیاہے کہ وہ پہلے مرحلے میں ہی مطلوبہ ووٹ حاصل کرنے میں کامیاب ہوجائیں گے۔
ادھرالیکشن کمیشن کے ترجمان نادرمحسنی نے بھی اعتراف کیاکہ میں کہہ سکتاہوں کہ انتخابی عمل کے دوران فراڈاور تشدد ہواہے۔میڈیاسے گفتگوکرتے ہوئے سابق وزیرخارجہ زلمے رسول نے یہ الزام بھی عائد کیا کہ انتخابی عمل کے دوران’’بڑے پیمانے پر فراڈ‘‘بھی ہوا ہے تاہم ان کی طرف سے یہ تفصیل نہیں بتائی گئی ہے کہ کس طرح کی دھاندلی کی گئی۔

گیس سپلائی بند کرنے کی دھمکی دی

 گیس سپلائی بند کرنے کی دھمکی دی

سرحد پر40 ہزار روسی فوجی حالت جنگ میں ہیں، راسموسین، کیف حکومت کا ہتھیار پھینکنے والے مظاہرین کیلیے معافی کا اعلان۔ فوٹو: اے ایف پی/ فائل
ماسکو: روسی صدر ولادی میر پوتن نے 18 یورپی ممالک کے سربراہوں کے نام لکھے گئے خط میں دھمکی دی ہے کہ ماسکو یوکرین کو گیس کی فراہمی منقطع کرسکتا ہے۔
انھوں نے کہا کہ اگر یوکرین نے 2.2 ارب ڈالر کا قرضہ واپس نہ کیا تو پھر یوکرین کو آئندہ ایڈوانس رقم پر گیس ملے گی۔ پوتن نے کہا کہ روس یوکرین کی معیشت کو سنبھالا دینے کیلیے تعاون کرنے پر تیار ہے۔ روس کے اس فیصلے سے یورپی ممالک بھی متاثر ہوسکتے ہیں کیونکہ یورپ کو بھی یوکرین کے راستے گیس مہیا کی جاتی ہے۔ دوسری طرف مغربی ممالک کے دفاعی اتحاد ’نیٹو‘ نے کہا ہے کہ اگر روس یوکرین بحران پر مغرب سے مذاکرات کا خواہاں ہے تو اسے پہلے یوکرین کے ساتھ سرحد پر تعینات اپنے فوجی دستے واپس بلانا ہوں گے۔
جمہوریہ چیک کے دورے کے دوران دارالحکومت پراگ میں پریس کانفر نس سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے نیٹو کے سیکریٹری جنرل اینڈرز فوگ راسموسین  کا کہنا تھا کہ یوکرائن کی سرحد پہ موجود 40  ہزار روسی فوجی وہاں کوئی تربیتی مشق نہیں کر رہے بلکہ حالت جنگ میں ہیں۔ روس کی جانب سے یوکرین کیخلاف مزیدکسی فوجی کارروائی  کے سنگین اثرات برآمد ہوں گے اور روس پر سخت اقتصادی پابندیاں عائد کردی جائیں گی۔ ادھر یوکرین کے عبوری صدر الیگزینڈر ٹرچینوف نے روس کے حامی مظاہرین سے وعدہ کیا ہے کہ اگر وہ ملک کے مشرقی شہروں میں سرکاری عمارتوں کا قبضہ چھوڑ دیں اور ہتھیار پھینک دیں تو انھیں معافی دیدی جائیگی۔

Monday 7 April 2014

show opens in India Made in Pakistan

‘Made in Pakistan’ show opens in India

KARACHI: Abdul Basit Khan, Pakistan’s High Commissioner in India has said that closer trade relations can bridge gap between the two neighbouring countries.
He assured that issues related to grant of MFN status to India will be resolved as soon as there is two-way understanding on level-playing field to business community of both the countries.
The Pakistani envoy was addressing to a gathering of exhibitors, officials and media on the occasion of inauguration of ‘Made in Pakistan’ show being currently held in Mumbai by Pakistan Readymade Garments Manufacturers and Exporters Association.
According to a message received here, the Pakistani High Commissioner said that a population of over 400 to 500 million people is living below poverty line in the region and “we have to combat with this menace.”
Rukhsana Shah, Secretary, Ministry of Textile Industries, said that it was imperative to boost bilateral trade between the two countries.
She said that NDMA (non-discriminative market access) is necessary for enhancing bilateral trade.

Taiwan's HTC posts first-quarter loss, lags estimates

Taiwan's HTC posts first-quarter loss, lags estimates

TAIWAN: Taiwanese smartphone maker HTC Corp on Monday posted a wider-than-expected loss for the first quarter of 2014 as sales continued to decline.
Net loss was T$1.88 billion ($62.06 million) in January-March, compared with a mean loss of T$1.59 billion estimated by 18 analysts polled by Reuters.
The result also compared with a profit of T$300 million in the previous quarter - largely attributed to the sale of a stake in headphone maker Beats Electronics LLC - and profit of T$85 million a year earlier.
Shares of HTC closed 3.57 percent higher on Monday ahead of the earnings release, compared with a 0.14 percent decline in the benchmark index.
($1 = 30.2910 Taiwan Dollars)

Four TTP militants killed in S. Waziristan attack, claim sources

Four TTP militants killed in S. Waziristan attack, claim sources

PESHAWAR: At least four Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) militants, including a key commander, were killed in the Shaktoi area of South Waziristan tribal region on Monday, sources said.
Official sources said unknown persons attacked a car in the Shaktoi area of South Waziristan Agency, killing four people and injuring another.
Other sources said that a clash occurred between the Khan Said alias Sajna and Waliur Rehman groups of the TTP.
The sources added that those killed in the incident included a key commander Kashed Khan Mehsud who is believed to be a local commander of the Hakimullah Mehsud group while the others were also TTP fighters.
Taliban sources had yet to confirm the deaths of its fighters
Earlier, a key commander and Shura member of the TTP Asmatullah Shaheen Bhittani had been killed in a targeted attack.
Intelligence sources said the Sajna group was behind the attack as Asmatullah Shaheen had opposed Sajna’s appointment and supported Mullah Fazlullah to replace Hakimullah Mehsud as TTP chief.

Key TTP commander Asmatullah Shaheen shot dead

Key TTP commander Asmatullah Shaheen shot dead

PESHAWAR: A month after unconfirmed reports of his death, senior Pakistani Taliban commander Asmatullah Shaheen Bhittani was shot dead Monday by unknown gunmen in North Waziristan tribal region, officials said.
According to sources, the incident took place near Darga Mandi area of Ghulam Khan tehsil.
“Unidentified gunmen in another car shot and killed Shaheen as well as the driver and guards,” a family member told news agency Reuters.
A close relative of Shaheen told news agency AFP that in addition to those killed, two other people travelling in the car were critically wounded.
Security sources also confirmed the death.
The TTP has so far not confirmed his death.
Shaheen was a key member of the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan's shura (high council) who served as the acting TTP chief after Hakeemullah Mehsud’s death. He was on the Pakistan army's list of twenty most wanted TTP commanders, and had a Rs10 million bounty placed on his head since 2009.
In late January, unconfirmed reports said he was killed during air strikes on militant sanctuaries in North Waziristan.
Shaheen gained notoriety after he claimed responsibility for a suicide attack on an Ashura procession in 2009 which killed 44 people in Karachi.
He was also responsible for storming a paramilitary outpost in the northwestern district of Tank in 2011, killing one troop during the fighting and kidnapping 15. Eleven of the detainees were later executed while the rest escaped.
Earlier this month, Pakistan entered into talks with the Taliban aimed at ending their seven-year insurgency.
But the militant group continued carrying out attacks on a near-daily basis, and the dialogue was suspended last week after the insurgents claimed they had executed 23 kidnapped soldiers in a northwestern tribal region.
Since then the Pakistan Air Force has carried out several air strikes on suspected TTP sanctuaries in the volatile tribal regions which border Afghanistan.

India voters kick off world's biggest election

DIBRUGARH: Indians began voting in the world's biggest election Monday which is set to sweep the Hindu nationalist opposition to power at a time of low growth, anger about corruption and warnings about religious unrest.
Voting began at 7:00 am (0130 GMT) in six constituencies in tea-growing and insurgency-wracked areas of the northeast, an often neglected part of the country wedged between Bangladesh, China and Myanmar.
"I want the government to reduce poverty and do something for the future of my children," said 30-year-old tea plantation worker Santoshi Bhumej at a polling station in Dibrugarh in the state of Assam.
The marathon contest, to be held over nine phases until May 12, got under way after a bad-tempered campaign which reached new levels of bitterness at the weekend.
Religious tensions, an undercurrent to the contest which has mostly focused on development until now, burst into the open on Friday when the closest aide of Modi was accused of inciting sentiments.
Amit Shah faces a judicial investigation after he reportedly told supporters to see the election as "revenge" against a "government that protects and gives compensation to those who killed Hindus".
Rahul Gandhi, leading Congress into his first national election as scion of the famous dynasty, used the comments to underline his message that a victory for Modi threatens India's religious fabric.
"Wherever these people (the opposition BJP) go they create fights. They'll pit Hindus and Muslims against each other," he warned on Sunday.
The BJP said talk of "revenge" was normal ahead of an election and said the other remarks were taken out of context.
Prime ministerial front-runner Modi, the hawkish son of a tea seller whose rise has split his party, is a polarising figure due to his links to anti-Muslim religious riots in 2002.
He urged voters on Sunday to give him a majority in the 543-seat parliament in defiance of surveys which repeatedly show the BJP are likely to need coalition partners when results are published on May 16.
"I need your blessings for a strong government and strong government means not less than 300 Lok Sabha (lower house of parliament) seats," he said.
The party released its delayed manifesto later on Monday which included core Hindu nationalist policies such as building a temple for the god Ram on a disputed religious site in northern India and protecting cows.

Disgruntled voters In Assam, a Congress stronghold, some disgruntled voters told AFP they had been swayed by Modi's promises of better infrastructure, strong leadership, jobs and a clean administration.

"The current Congress government is corrupt. They have not been able to control rising prices in the country. I believe that Modi will give us a corruption-free government," local voter Deepa Borgohain told AFP.
Despite a decade under Congress when growth has averaged 7.6 per cent per year, a sharp slowdown since 2012 has crippled the public finances and led investment to crash.
Coupled with a widespread perception that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's second term was largely lost to indecision and scandal, Modi has been able to tap into a groundswell of discontent.
The election will be the biggest in history and is a mind-boggling feat of organisation as voters travel to nearly a million polling stations.
In 2009, officials walked for four days through snow to deliver voting machines in the Himalayas, while yaks, camels and even elephants were pressed into action elsewhere in the vast country.
Such is India's population growth that 100 million people have joined the electoral rolls since the last vote five years ago. More than half of the country is aged under 25.

Boycotted but undeterred Modi, 20 years older than Gandhi at 63, is expected to score strongly among the young thanks to his message of aspiration and skills over the left-leaning Congress's pitch of welfare and equitable development.

But in an editorial on Monday, the Hindustan Times said that the aggressive and highly personalised campaign meant "voters were left with a lot of sound and fury but little content".
India under Modi, an unabashed nationalist, would likely result in a more muscular foreign policy at a time when the country is emerging as a defender of the developing world on issues from climate change to global trade.
But many observers worry about his domestic impact in an officially secular country.
Modi is steeped in the ideology of Hindu nationalism, which is often antagonistic towards Muslims, and he remains tainted by religious riots in Gujarat in 2002.
More than 1,000 people, mostly Muslims, died in a spasm of violence shortly after he became chief minister, leading the United States and European powers to boycott him for more than a decade.
He has never been found guilty of wrong-doing despite multiple investigations, but a woman he appointed as a minister was jailed for life in 2012 for orchestrating some of the worst of the killings.